Thursday, May 10, 2012


hakikat sebenar, dia yang datang melawat saya tadi hnyalah seorang kawan baik dri primary skul lagi... and to be truth, he's having the one he loves, dun misinterpret us... i'm not blushing or anything but i'm smiling becoz he kept his promise to visit me here... i'm really touched, and i know exactly how inani's feeling when her male bestfriend come to visit her... nani, i can feel exactly how you feel... hehehe...

we're currently talking about my IPG....nothing special. but he gave me surprise when he said he was in front of anjung selera al-kauthar(kafe) this afternoon.... dia dtg ngan motor...kami berborak bwah pokok  when my classmates return to hostel, molekla, duk tgok aku ckp ngan lelaki asing...n boleh dikatakan hmpir semua classmates ak recognize his face....n decide nak p makan sbb dia dan aku sama2 ada kepentingan lain yg perlu dipenuhi...hoho... n aku kotakan janji aku, whenever he came to visit me, aku akan belanja dia...haha... kat SIM garden kafe je la sbb nak p pizza hut, marybrown itu bnda common, francais makanan segera... SIM garden kafe bukan calang2 tempat  ada... hahaha...

currently satisfy la, sbb 2 tahun aku tunggu dia dtg mlawat aku, even dia datang kota bharu pom sbb ada hal n singgah je but still, janjinya dikotakan... terima kasih kawan... n i know what true friend meant... mana xnya, dia sorang je kwan lelaki ak yang masih konsisten contacting me... he's asking me to go to his studyplace plak... HAHA, x smpainya aku ke penang sana nung slagi aku msih belajar kat klantan ini.. huhu...

credit to NIK MOHD NAIM BIN NIK SIN.... tenx saem....*huhu, x sempat nak amik gmbrlah eh, hempom tertinggal lam kete...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. mjur ak dea bco komen mg, bkpo remuvnyo??? hahaha.. well, rsa terharu pomada... exactly like yours, even saem mg duk dekat, hok ak ea duk jauh...

  3. aku remove sebab this supposes to be my top secret. orang tak akan faham istilah kawan selain daripada kita sendiri. nak kata bespreng pun tidak. cuma masih dalam sesi berkenalan. haaa gituh. pahnih aku remove balik comment ni. mwahah. dok ah, aku malu doe.

  4. me la... mrs k lom la yg titik2..kih3


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