Tuesday, March 26, 2013

biar aku da post kat fesbuk pom.

sesi godek2 album lama

to be precise, these photos are 10 years old.....
 masa ni g lawatan ke Kuala Terengganu.. see, Terengganu itself pom unfamiliar even kami duk di Besut, Terengganu... haha... lawatan kanak- kanak, biasalah 2....

n yg ni jejaka2x nasyid sekolah kami, they' re my classmates, kiut kan??? 
n they turn out to be matured now, tinggi2x, tough2x, handsome2x~

semua membesar dengan baik kan?
xde yg terpesong2x apa ke?

don't forget to say Thank You Allah
don't forget to say InsyaAllah
don't forget to say Subhanallah
raise your hand, Alhamdulillah

1 comment:

ApPrEcIaTe iT wHeN I aM sTiLL AliVe~