Monday, January 21, 2013


guess what, i've never have hundreds in my purse....

actually, it's a little bit dangerous when we suddenly face a real situation which need  money at instant especially when you have a car....

haha.. bercakap ttg duit, seriously i'm in danger zone now, sbbnya elaun xmsuk lagi...
just in case, i'm sort of in diet now, so spending only about RM3 to RM4 daily is routine now...

n fully sponsored by elaun PAMA.. herher, sori mom, dad for troubling you with money thingy... herher...

pernah terjadi suatu ketika dulu,  i only have RM30 something in my purse... HAHA, n tayar kereta bocor di hadapan pondok jaga IPG... huaaa, mmg xleh nak byang perasaan mcm mana pada ketika itu, telefon daddy for solution, ingat my dad nak mai semata2 tayar kereta bocor from besut sana.. x mungkin... n daddy suh settle sendiri..

and Alhamdulillah, ada rkan2 yang mnolong.. terima kasih.HOHO... nak dijadikan kisah duit lam purse, kna mention nama ni, appreciation...HAHA, sariy, fareez n azmi, n nabil..  sariy is the one who took my car slowly because of the flat tyre to the bengkel...n i leave my purse n hp in car in case it will cost money n sariy msa 2, xbwak pape pom, sehelai sepinggang....haha, ofcoursela, sah2 la kna pkai duit...apa yg x pkai duit skrang, nak msuk tndas pom kna bayar derr.. n tmbah lagi bncana, kredit hp lam kete hnya ada lbh kurang seringgit n hp mxs yg dipgg oleh saya sendiri hnya ada 3 ringgit je... from that day onwards, saya x pernh bagi baki kredit hp saya cecah angka 3..HAHA...

tnya2 keadaan, tiub xleh nak tmpal, kna tukar tyar n it costs around RM50 4 the secondhand tyre... haha, 30 hengget je lam purse 2.... terpaksalah mnyusahkan azmi n fareez lok g hntar duit... hahaha.. duit mereka plak 2, sbb ak xde knderaan nak pergi draw duit... HAHHA... hari 2 jugak, pulangnya saya pada hmpir waktu mgrib yg asalnya ingin bertolak pulang selepas asar...

n jadi 1 pngajaran, dun ever let your wallet/purse empty, it's such a disaster... HAHA.. tp aku masih... kering poket 2 adat... cepatlah elaun masuk, there's so many things i want to buy, perhaps with this semester allowance, i didn't get the chance to save it in Tabung Haji, because there's so many things i adore this semester... hopefully, there will be 'some' to be saved in Tabung Haji, InsyaAllah..


  1. I'm glad to know that you're a person who knows how to appreciate and honor a valuable friendship. People like this are hard to find... But your true lesson would be... It's not about only ensuring your purse is filled with money... But it's about celebrating and earning good friends... Even if money runs out, a good friend never runs away... Yg baik dibalas baik... it just shows how much of a good friend you've been... And I'm one of those friends who have benefited from ur kebaikan... need any help...anytime k

    1. saya sayang tesl 2...
      semuanya baik2..hehehe.. gumbira diberi kesempatan mngenali anda semua:)

  2. jom shopping same.lamo doh xshopping ngn mg.xajim kot g kb ng mg!

    1. mari la pah ehh... make sure dulu elaun masuk, bru buleh soping~


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