Tuesday, October 9, 2012

remember, not to forget.

bintang hati..hehe.. aim nak simpan smpai sem 8( kalo buleh..hehe)

"do you want a break up?"

ayat ni pasti buat sapa2 je sentap bilamana ada org text dia kan?

haha, same goes to me... saem aku terkial2 tepom lpas dpat msj ni... hehe.. just wanna scare u my dear friend. He seems just too ignorant these few months, x msj,  x kol.... haihhh.. last2 anta msj g2, dia trus kol, tp xleh angkatla sbb aku dalam lecture hall....

it's okay for me if u don't text me, or tnya khabar ke apa... hehe, saja sentap boring dlm lecture hall td..kehkeh... he's in preparation mode nok exam rupanya.. no wonder la... 

dan blas beberapa keping msj, ak stop.. nanti lagha kata org tua2... n he texts me petang td, tp aku x blas.... hehe, just replying my msj this  morning was already enough. dun want to disturb u in studying... hehe.. study well n skor well too..pastikan result gempak! HOiHOi..

*tunggu entri sal pameran libah(literasi bahasa) ep... kna studi, nak UAK  esok... hehe..


  1. untungla mila, aku ni jauh. beza 7 jam. nok tanya kabar pun dalam doa je la :)

  2. hahaha..roy, amy.. phewiit dan sweet anda saya hargai.. kehkeh...

    hahaha... dalam doa pom jadilah nani... telepati~

  3. owoss best arr.. ado "he" rupanyew adik aku.. N lagumana tak jd ko? ahaks ~~~

  4. hahaha.....xdok gapo pom.. kisah lama~

  5. N lagumana? sekung jah nge abe lom.. hahaha


ApPrEcIaTe iT wHeN I aM sTiLL AliVe~