Sunday, December 23, 2012

alex rybax

i guess i still remember days back when i used to admire much this rybax guy...... watching and listening to him now make me realize that i' ve been at IPG for almost 3 years... guess what, i still remember the moment we finished our spm chemistry examination...getting our photos taken as the last memory at school..... Alhamdulillah, i' m still breathing in this world... the world which is full with the peace,Malaysia.... well, last night, me watching majalah 3, i shed tears when thinking of the sufferings of the Palestin, the buildings, the people and the country itself..... the strength of the Muslims whenever they lost their homes, families....

reflect ourselves, be grateful with what we have. ,..... Alhamdulillah, Syukur nikmat... terima kasih, Ya Allah.....


ApPrEcIaTe iT wHeN I aM sTiLL AliVe~